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State to conduct study to determine efficacy of BCG vaccine among adults

The Maharashtra public health department will soon start a statewide study to determine the efficacy of the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination in preventing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among adults.
The study will commence April in individuals aged over 18 years, with an estimated population of 17,650 million (1,76,50,000) people in Maharashtra.
A senior officer from health department requesting anonymity, said, that despite the widespread use of the BCG vaccine, there is still considerable debate on its effectiveness in preventing TB and the duration of immunity post-vaccination.
The study will help to clarify any doubts concerning the effectiveness of the BCG vaccine for preventing TB.
Dr Pravin Vedpathak, assistant director of state family welfare department, in charge of routine immunisation, said, a review meeting was held recently by the central TB division of the ministry of health and family welfare.
“The study will start from April 2024 across the state. Currently, the health officials are undergoing training for the study. Only the individuals who are voluntarily ready to participate in the study will be included,” he said.
Dr Vedpathak, further, added, initially the participants who are ready to get enrolled in the study will be shortlisted. Later the actual immunisation of these individuals will begin.
After a while as per the directions of the health ministry the effects will be evaluated.
The central TB division of the ministry of health and family welfare, will provide vaccines, syringes and other essentials required for the programme, as per the estimated target participating population information shared by the state.
